Rent To Own

The Alternative Path To Owning Your Home
We Can Help!

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Rent To Own Homes Explained

  • Tired of paying rent?
  • New to Canada?
  • No credit history?
  • Credit challenges?
  • Partial down payment?

What We Do

We use our own capital, expertise, and manpower to get results.

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Rent to own homes

How it works Rent To Own homes

  • Once accepted into the program, we will assist you
    move into a new home in 2-3 months
  • You will provide an initial consideration
  • A program will be customized and we will assist you find a home to meet your financial and personal needs
  • We will work with you to build your final consideration
  • Flexible options will be provided to build the final consideration and to facilitate home ownership at the end of the program
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Lease To Own Benefits:

  • Build equity while living in your home when you exercise your option
  • Fair market rent with final consideration building options
  • Your are a few years away from home ownership!
  • Pet Friendly
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How to Qualify:

  • Complete the questionnaire
  • Provide proof of initial option consideration
  • Discuss purchase strategies with our lending team
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Your Responsibilities:

  • Make monthly payments on time
  • Provide content insurance (your possessions)
  • Pay for utility bills
  • Keep up with the maintenance of your new home
  • Enjoy your new home

Step by Step into your New Home

  • Compete the Rent to Own homes Questionnaire
  • Fill out the Application Form
  • Obtain your Credit Report – view more info


Prepare for an initial consultation where:
  • We take time to understand your needs & goals to tailor a solution for you
  • We complete the application process with you


Assess & create mutually agreeable Rent to Own homes Terms based on the information provided in the financing application:

  • Define the purchase price of your new home
  • Discuss the amount for rent initial and monthly option consideration


Start shopping for your new home with our real estate specialists

  • Access to every available listing on MLS, etc.
  • Access to a private pool of listings
  • Lock in the future purchase price of your new home NOW


Purchase your new home

  • Sign your new lease
  • Sign your Option contract
  • Sign RTO documentation


Solidify possession date & get ready to move!

  • Refer to our complimentary “Step by Step Moving Guide” (available upon request)



  • Thorough walk-through inspection of your property together
  • Key handover

Rent to own homes or Lease to own in Canada

Rent to own homes, also known as lease to own or lease option, is a type of real estate transaction that allows a tenant buyer to rent a property with the option to purchase it at the end of the lease period. In a rent to own agreement, the tenant buyer rents the property for an agreed period of time, typically one to three years. During the agreed period, the tenant buyer pays a monthly rent and a monthly consideration payment towards a down payment for the purchase of the property. The rent to own process typically works as follows:

Qualify a potential candidate: The tenant buyer must complete a questionnaire to get qualified into the rent to own program. During, the qualification process, our credit specialists evaluate different elements such the down payment available, the credit score and the family revenue. These elements typically determine the purchase price and the agreed length of the rent to own program.

Negotiating terms: The tenant buyer and the owner must agree on the terms of the rent to own agreement, including the initial consideration, the purchase price, the lease period, the monthly rent amount, and the amount of the monthly consideration to be eventually applied towards the down payment.

Finding a property: The tenant buyer must find a suitable rent to own property. This can be done through online listings, real estate agents, or by contacting owners directly.

Signing a contract: The agreement is then formalized through a written contract, which outlines the terms of the lease and the option agreements. The tenant buyer is invited to consult with his/her real estate lawyer to ensure that their legal rights are met and protected.

Moving in: The tenant buyer moves into the property and begins paying the monthly rent and monthly consideration going towards the down payment.

Maintenance, repairs and follow-ups: During the lease period, the tenant buyer is responsible for maintaining the property and paying for any minor repairs. The owner is responsible for any major repairs and for maintaining the property overall condition. The owner and the tenant buyer agree on the frequency of the follow-ups throughout the rent to own program.

Purchasing the property: At the end of the lease period, the tenant buyer has the option to purchase the property. If the tenant buyer chooses to purchase the property, the down payment from the monthly consideration is applied towards the purchase price and the tenant buyer obtains a mortgage from conventional financing to finance the balance of the purchase price.

Alternative outcome: If the tenant buyer chooses not to purchase the property at the end of the lease period, they are typically required to vacate the property. In some cases, the tenant buyer may be allowed to extend the lease period or negotiate a new agreement with the owner.

Check out these questions

  • Are you dreaming of buying a home?
  • Are you in one of these situations?
    • Tired of renting? New to Canada?
    • Just started a new job?
    • Credit challenges? 
    • Denied a mortgage application?
    • Looking for stability if your landlord sells the property you are renting?

If you find yourselves in these situations above then you are in the right place? can help.


Although a rent to own canada agreement may initially appear to be biased in favor of the landlord, many homebuyers find it to be a desirable alternative to conventional financing. Families with credit challenges are one of the most frequent buyer categories to choose a rent to own arrangement. These purchasers can jumpstart the process of house ownership, money savings and credit score improvement by entering into a rent to own agreement.

A great approach to ensure that purchasers can save for a specific amount without worrying that the Canadian real estate market would drive up the price of the property by an average of more than 4% every year is, in my opinion, to lock in the price of a home two years before buying it. In addition to the predetermined purchase price of the desired property, during the rent to own program, the tenant buyers have the benefits of fixed monthly rent payments, of home stability and of peace of mind since that they would remain in their dwellings as there is generally no risk that the property they are renting would be sold to third parties.

Tenant buyers can, with the owner’s approval, still customize a new house during the rent to own program. They can acquire accent pieces of furniture and refinish the homes. They can hang artwork to truly personalize their living space. For tenant buyers, this might be a great option because they are making an emotional and a financial investment in their new house. In addition, it is also excellent news for the seller or real estate investor, because a tenant buyer is more likely to follow through on an arrangement if they have a greater attachment to a desired property.

Rent to own homes contracts were once relatively uncommon in Canada. However, they have increased in popularity in recent years. A persistent phenomenon in the Canadian real estate industry is the root of this problem.

We must go back in time to make sense of this. Soon after 2000, the average cost of a home in Canada began to soar. In 2007, while the rest of the world experienced an economic downturn, Canada real estate market mostly remained unaffected. Contrary to all predictions, the price of a home kept rising even after taking a setback. That pattern is still present. Between 2008 and 2022, there was an average rise of $320,000 in property value.

While it may be predicted that Canadian real estate would become less popular as prices increased, this is just untrue. In reality, real estate investing is more popular than ever in Canada, thanks in large part to the country steadily expanding population. Nearly one fourth of Canadians were said to have immigrated to the country or earned permanent residency there as of 2021. The cost of a new home has risen even further as a result of the heightened competition for housing.

Beyond that, it is challenging to develop new structures at the rate necessary to meet the demand for housing due to severe laws in some provinces that make new construction very slow. Thus, property values are increasing even more and rapidly.

The Canadian government has been carefully protecting the stability of the housing market by delaying easing the conditions to obtain a mortgage as home values continue to rise. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp (“CMHC”) indicated that it would make it more difficult to obtain a mortgage as late as June 2020. Before, borrowers with credit scores of 600 or higher could obtain a mortgage. For many lenders, that number has since increased to 680 or higher. Homebuyers who are unable to put down 20% of the purchase price may also have trouble getting approved for a loan.

It is vital to remember that a mortgage can still be approved with only a 5% down payment with mortgage default insurance provided by mortgage insurance provider such as CMHC, Sagen and Canada Guaranty. In fact, by collaborating with a network of knowledgeable lenders who have specific products suited to your needs, our partners and us are continuously making sure to deliver you the most outstanding mortgage options for each of your investments.

Therefore, with the increase of the average house price, the higher credit score requirement and the additional money needed for a mortgage, home ownership is becoming more difficult for the average Canadian. A rent to own arrangement may be a solution for you. Schedule a conversation with us if you would like to learn more, and we will start talking about your rent to own options. Just visit us at


  1. Our lease option program, also known as rent to own program, is a four-step process that helps our clients move into a new home in two to three months. First, our clients provide an initial consideration towards purchasing a new home tailored to our client’s financial needs.
  2. Second, after purchasing the new home through our program, our clients enter into a lease agreement for two to three years on average.
  3. Third, our professionals work with our clients to improve their financial situation, mortgage capacity and build a final consideration.
  4. Finally, at the end of our Lease Option program, our clients can execute their option to purchase their home. The Lease option provides benefits such as rents with a chance of owning ownership homes chosen by our clients and flexible deposit building options,
  5. Your dream home awaits you. Schedule a call and one of our team members will contact you shortly.


In conclusion, the rent to own process is a flexible option for tenants who are unable to obtain a traditional mortgage but would like to eventually become homeowners. However, it is important for tenants to fully understand the terms of the agreement and to seek the assistance of a real estate lawyer to ensure their rights are protected.

Rent to Own Questionnaire